Monday, April 12, 2010

I've Prayed A Prayer.

I’ve prayed a prayer,
“God, if he’s wrong for me remove him, because I don’t have the strength to let him go.”
But when I arise with the morning star the thought of him lingers.
The faint hint of his fingertips on the small of my back…

The equilibrium of my heart is off.
Constant waves of uncertainty sway me.
Advice proves to be adverse:
Nights always prove to be worse.
A solitary confinement to this twin bed; a satirical stab at my unfortunate predicament.

I can’t shake the shadows that dance on the walls.
Vivid images of the two of them…
As quickly as their dance started it ends, and her face is replaced with mine.
Something tells me the former could never be right…
In search of confirmation I dial 11 numbers inconsecutively
I drown in momentary sorrow after the fifth ring,
“Hello, you have reached…”
I find myself catching my breath when protocol is broken.

He is nothing I wanted but everything I’ve needed.

I’ve prayed a prayer.
“I don’t know what this is.
I’m afraid to call it love.
I’m terrified to fall victim to enchantment.
God, if he’s wrong for me remove him, I don’t have the strength to let him go.”
But when I arise with the morning star the thought of him lingers.
The faint hint of his fingertips on the small of my back.