Monday, January 5, 2009

Flyin' High [circa 2003]

this intoxicating sensation rushes to my mind and my body says hello to this lovely stanger.a delightful pain spreads thru my limbs.floating on air "flyin high in the friendly sky w/o leavin the ground"a magic carpet ride eases me into a wonderful deep slumber but my constant convulsions jerk me awake
the scent so deliecable and sweet finds itz way inside my nostirls leading me ever closer to Satans lair.i roam lonely corridors in seatch for more of this deadly poison. i go insane not knowing which way to turn. i claw at the walls trying to escape but the toxen smothers me. forcing me to inhale once more. yearning for that last drop of imprisonment. stuck on stupid i'm blinded by smoke not able to see the road infront of me. death and demons are just beyond this journey. i hold self-desctruction in my hand. as i consume this fatal monster the gatewayz to hell welcome me with open arms. corrupted by the world ignored by family i think my time here will be a plesant one. my naive thoughts forsake me. a river of tears flow out of my tormented body. my dreams and hopes sucked out of me. holding on to my sanity i find is an impossible mission and i slip away in to the depths of darkness. deciet. and death.

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